An employment hub based in Wellington is helping people toward work. The hub can be found at the Wellington Baptist church on the first and third Wednesdays of each month between 10am and noon.

The hub is open to the public who are being encouraged to take advantage of the service. Colleen Blake, senior employment and skills lead at Somerset West and Taunton Council told the Wellington Weekly News: "It's a community led facility for the community. It's a fabulous service and they do a wonderful job. It's about gearing people up towards work.

"If somebody comes in looking for work we can make sure they have a very good CV and equip them with a cover letter. We pride ourselves on a relaxed environment that provides a bespoke service."

The entrance to the Employment Hub at the Wellington Baptist church
The entrance to the Employment Hub at the Wellington Baptist church (Tindle )

The hub can also provide help to individuals who need access to digital services. Colleen said: "If someone doesn't have a digital device we can help them apply for jobs, or link them toward the libraries' iPad loan service.

"We've got a lot of connections to build robust support, including training or upskillng which we can sort through Skill Up Somerset."

The Wellington Weekly News visited the hub on February 1 to learn more. Volunteers were seen chatting away with clients.

Local volunteer Sarah Lithgow told the Wellington Weekly News: "We've got a team of about six volunteers who can help signpost people toward services that can help them into employment. It could be updating a CV or interview practice."

Asked about digital support Sarah said: "We can refer people to grants which can provide reconditioned laptops or toward places where they might be able to borrow one."

She added: "We're very welcoming and friendly, we're here to help."

The sessions are set to continue every other Wednesday each month. Tea and coffee is available.

Are you looking for work and want to share your experience with the Wellington Weekly News? Contact our community reporter Mario Laghos on 07535 993015