MEMORIES are being sought of the former Kings Arms public house in Wellington which is being converted to a community hub and social housing flats.

Work is currently underway to make the landmark property waterproof and structurally sound for contractors hired by Falcon Rural Housing to move in.

Falcon managing director Sam Southam said it was slow going at the moment but the scheme was still on track to deliver a street-level community hub by the beginning of next year.

Ms Southam said the social rented flats on the upper floors was a longer-term project and they were expected to be ready by 2025-26.

In the meantime, she said the housing association was appealing for anybody to make contact who had knowledge of the pub, which has stood empty for nearly eight years.

Ms Southam said: “We want the very best for the property and we are really interested in the building and would like to know as much as possible about its history.

“We are looking for stories about it, anybody who has photographs, anecdotes, any information we can collect which will help us build a comprehensive knowledge of it.”

Ms Southam said she had already learned that in its hey day the Kings Arms boasted the longest skittles alley in Wellington, and at one time it was reputedly used as a tax office.

Anybody with stories and/or photographs can email the housing association at [email protected].