AN historic event will take place in Milverton at the weekend when two standards of the village’s now-defunct Royal British Legion (RBL) branch will be placed in St Michael’s Church in a laying-up ceremony.

Milverton is now allied to the Wiveliscombe RBL branch, which is moving toward its centenary early in 2027.

The laying-up ceremony will take place on Sunday (August 4) after the usual St Michael’s Church morning service, which starts at 10.30 am.

Milverton Vicar the Rev Helene Stainer will receive the former branch standard and its women’s section standard, which will then be placed in the church to be kept in perpetuity.

The celebrations will continue after the service in Milverton Recreation Ground, for which the then-Milverton RBL branch organised subscriptions to purchase the land in 1923.

Wiveliscombe RBL member Ian Partridge, who will be an escort for the Milverton standards, said: “It would be great if as many Milverton residents as possible can attend.

“Especially veterans and their families.

“Equally as important, please then show your support for the current recreation ground committee who are continuing the legacy by going along after the service and have a drink to absent friends.”

Wiveliscombe branch standard bearer Steven Wort said the women’s standard would be presented to the church by the former standard bearer’s son.

Mr Wort said: “How wonderfully fitting, and such an honour for him.”

Anybody who wants to attend the laying-up ceremony is being asked to meet at the church’s west door entrance at 10.15 am.