THE cost of introducing a weight limit to stop heavy lorries (HGVs) driving through Milverton has been put at about £30,000.
Parish councillors also heard a one-way system to help tackle traffic congestion would be even more expensive at about £100,000.
Parish clerk Tim Payne said concern about the number and size of HGVs was particularly acute in the central village area.
Mr Payne said residents were rightly concerned due to the resulting congestion, the impact on shallow service infrastructure in the road, and the potential damage to cellars of properties abutting the highway.
He said it had come to light that the B3187 Milverton to Wellington road was actually designated by Somerset Council as unsuitable for HGVs.
Therefore, ‘Unsuitable for HGV’ signage was to be installed at the Lowmoor Business Park junction in Wellington and at the B3227 roundabout in Milverton in the next few months.
Councillors agreed to review a weight limit imposition and the one-way plan in the light of results from a survey of villagers and when the effect of the new signage could be assessed, and also to take up a Somerset Council offer to monitor the number of heavy vehicle movements.
In the meantime, they asked the unitary authority to put down double yellow lines around the Creedwell estate junction and to carry out the necessary consultation with residents.
Milverton councillors said the HGV proposals needed to be publicised and suggested that advisory letters should be sent to local businesses and neighbouring parish councils.