WELLINGTON school headmaster, Eugene du Toit, has joined pupils on a 'tree planting day.'

The school has been making the most of the Woodland Trust's tree giveaway, which sees millions of free trees donated each year as part of a planting scheme.

The school has already planted 850 trees over the last year, with around half coming from the Woodland Trust.

Commenting, a spokesperson for Wellington School said the initiative 'demonstrated its commitment to protecting the environment.':

"There was a great turnout for a Grand Tree Planting Day and a fantastic spirit of community and camaraderie. From nursery pupils to staff, friends and OWs, the whole Wellington School community came together to plant over 600 trees.

"Together, they dug, planted. and enjoyed the sunshine, hot chocolate and well earned soup! The school is committed to the protecting the environment, creating habitat for wildlife, enhancing the campus and providing a legacy for future generations and have embarked upon a large-scale tree planting initiative.

"The Woodland Trust kindly donated around 420 trees as part of the Trees for Schools and Communities Initiative, a mixture of indigenous varieties including hazel, blackthorn, crab apple, elder, dog rose and rowan.

"A big thank you to OW Pete Day who gave us the use of this wonderful transport to help us on our way.We have already planted in the region of 850 trees over the past year and this new initiative is a fantastic addition to our woodland areas and providing habitat for wildlife."