THE first concert of the Milverton Concert Society’s new season was the English debut of the Duo Birringer from Germany.

Esther (piano) and younger sister Lea (violin) both started playing at age three and their close rapport when playing together was magnificently evident.

Starting with Grieg’s Sonata in F, the first movement was launched with great élan. The balance between the two instruments was exemplary. This is a rather episodic work, with many variations of mood, but Lea and Esther bridged all the changes with aplomb and this was wonderful music making.

We also heard the three Op. 22 Romances by Clara Schumann. The partnership was exquisite, nowhere better shown than in the third piece. Here the piano writing is relentless and technically very demanding but Esther was magnificent.

To end the evening they played a masterpiece of the violin sonata repertoire, the 1886 work by César Franck. The second movement is turbulent with ferocious writing for both instruments, but honours go to Esther – she played the piano part with sheer bravura.

A wonderful English debut by two very talented musicians has once more got the Milverton concert series off to a flying start. I eagerly look forward to the rest.

Harold Mead