WELLINGTON Hospital has had more than a £1,500 boost after the hospital’s League of Friends held a bumper summer fete fundraiser.

Organisers said a stream of customers were snapping up bargains at the scout hall on Saturday, June 8, where trader’s stalls had a range of goods from toys to plants and pottery on offer.

Local businesses donated prizes to the fete raffle, with Wellington woman Sue Vallance taking home the grand prize of £100 in cash.

The cake stall, run by members of West Buckland’s Women’s Institute, proved to be a popular attraction and hospital staff helped to man the stalls.

Last year’s cream tea event, which was held instead of a fete, raised just short of £500. Organisers expressed their thanks for helping to triple last year’s fund-raising total.

Diane Grabham, spokesperson for the Friends, extended her thanks to the community for their strong show of support. Commenting, she said: “This was a fantastic community effort. Thank you to everyone who supported this event  in so many different ways.

“It’s good to know our community hospital is so valued and appreciated. The league will do all it can to enhance and expand services offered from the hospital.”

Over the past year the Wellington Hospital League of Friends has helped to pay for many pieces of equipment in the hospital’s physiotherapy department, and helped pay for alterations to the building which enabled the construction of an audiology clinic on the site.