A TWO decade-long row over a fenced-off footpath has been resolved after the Government’s Planning Inspectorate intervened to confirm the public do have a right of access.

The dispute over the centuries-old Wellington walkway erupted after a neighbour allegedly fenced it off to prevent people from walking past their house. But a public inquiry has now decided it is a footpath, and residents must be allowed to access it again.

Town councillors attended a meeting with the inspector at Wellington Football Club, on May 14, where they presented evidence arguing that the footpath should be acknowledged as such.

The site of contention is a 230 ft long path running from Millstream Gardens to Burchills Hill, near Tonedale. Somerset and town Cllr Andrew Govier was among campaigners who fought to get the path properly recognised.

Speaking ahead of the inspector’s findings, he said: “Everybody assumed it was a public right of way, but then all of a sudden fencing was put up around it with the land having been purchased for £1 and the access was cut off.”

However, Cllr Govier says after it was acknowledged as a footpath by the now defunct county council, who brought it to the attention of the government. The paperwork ‘was left lying around’ and it was never formally recognised as a result.

The inspector’s verdict was welcomed by Wellington’s mayor, Cllr Janet Lloyd. Commenting on the findings she said: “It’s great news, it’s a really important walkway for people. If you’re coming from that part of the town and you can’t use that footpath you have quite a big detour to make.

“It will be particularly important for people living opposite the Toneworks wanting to get up to Burchills, who will now have a more direct route. And it’s always good to have more people out walking and taking in the countryside. I’m really pleased by the outcome.”

It follows a concerted effort by town councillors to have the path recognised, after the fencing which it now transpires was improperly erected was forcing people to take lengthy diversions when attempting to travel the area by foot.