Court Fields School in Wellington focuses on the work of a different faculty each month and it was the turn of the Maths Faculty in September.

It provided an opportunity to find out what students are studying, showcase some of their work and celebrate their achievements.

This year the Maths Faculty has been developing independent learning skills through the use of flipped learning, a relatively new method of study in secondary schools. Students identify the areas they need and want to work on, spend time using a range of resources to learn, create their own knowledge organisers and then practice until they achieve ‘mastery’ of a topic.

Students were keen to share their experiences of flipped learning. One Year 10 student said: “I really like this way of doing homework. I find that when I get to lessons I am much more confident about what I know, and that means I participate more and learn more when I am in school.”

Other students spoke about the benefits of being able to focus on the areas they found difficult, rather than having to work at the same pace as other students in their classes.

Head of Maths Mrs Hutchinson said: “Giving students more freedom to choose what they want to learn will develop a feeling of greater motivation than if we were setting them specific tasks. We have seen far more rapid progress in the groups that have been using this approach for a while, and felt it was important to introduce it across school for the start of this year, so that all of our students could benefit.”

Students were keen to share the work they had produced at home with examples pictured here.