A WELLINGTON footpath at the centre of a two-decade long legal dispute will be reopened by the end of the month unless a High Court challenge is made.

A planning inspector ruled in June the 230-feet long path from Millstream Gardens to Burchills Hill, Tonedale, was a public right of way.

It followed a public inquiry to hear arguments for and against a nearby property owner who fenced it off about 20 years ago to stop people walking past their home.

The inspector sided with Wellington Town Council and others who pointed to the footpath having been in use for more than a century despite not being on the county’s definitive map of public rights of way.

Now, Somerset Council has published an order under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to add the footpath to its definitive map.

Anybody wanting to challenge the order has until August 30 to go to the High Court.