FORMER Conservative MP Rebecca Pow said she can ‘hold her head up high’ despite suffering a crushing General Election defeat at the hands of Liberal Democrat Gideon Amos.

Ms Pow said in a message to local Conservatives it had been ‘a great privilege and honour’ to serve Wellington and Taunton as MP for nine years.

She said: “Despite many ups and downs, I can truly say much has been delivered in Taunton Deane during this period, demonstrating how powerful it can be to have an MP and a Government of the same colour.

“There is no denying we have suffered a crushing defeat in this election.

“Locally, I was one of the key Liberal Democrat targets and they waged a strong campaign against me, encouraged tactical voting, which worked, and the Reform candidate significantly influenced the result.

“But, of course, it was the national picture which was clouding this election for which I paid the price.

“Above all I am disappointed that others in our party were not team players, which I have been from the outset.

“Internal party wrangles were in view, unforgivable, and avoidable.”

Ms Pow thanked everybody who supported her since first being elected in 2015, particularly local Conservative councillors who played a ‘much valued part’.

She said: “We can hold our heads up high in terms of what has been delivered locally, and for me, my work as the Environment Minister was an honour as well.

“I know just how much we have delivered as a Government on this agenda, much of which we will reap the benefits of in future years as a result of the Environment Act which I steered through Parliament, the ‘Plan for Water’, and the new environmental farming schemes.”

Ms Pow said lessons would be learned and reflections made in order to rebuild the Conservative party, with Somerset Council elections in 2027 a goal to aim for.

She said: “One thing is for certain. We must be united as we go forward, and I am sure that constructive discussions will take place and we all have a part to play in informing the debate.”