VILLAGERS and others living within a 10-mile radius produced a record number of exhibits for this year’s Nynehead Garden Club family flower show on Saturday (August 10).

It was the show’s 20th anniversary and also attracted a record turnout of visitors who flocked to the Nynehead Memorial Hall throughout the afternoon on what was one of the hottest days of the year so far.

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Nynehead Garden Club chairman Gordon Stead inspects vegetable entries in the annual flower show. PHOTO: Alain Lockyer.

Garden club chairman Gordon Stead said: “This is a great event for the village and brings people together, both experienced and new gardeners, and families.

“We were pleased to see the hall looking so full of great produce and so many people enjoying the day.”

Mr Stead said he was delighted to see more entries than ever and so many people attending the event in the village hall.

He said the categories had ‘fantastic displays’, particularly for vegetables, fruit, flowers, floral art, cookery, handicrafts, and children’s entries.

The club meets at 7.30pm on the second Monday monthly in the Memorial Hall for a ‘cuppa and chat’, followed by a speaker, finishing by 9pm.

The meetings cover a wide range of subjects and summer visits.

Trophy winners for 2024 were:

Best Vegetable, The Priory Shield - Julie Turner.

Best Fruit, The Hargreaves Shield - Elaine Entwistle.

Best Rose, The Rose Cup - Racheal Vest.

Most Cookery Points, The Too Good Cup - Mike Broom.

Most Points in Show, The Nynehead Court Cup - Gordon Stead.

Most Points, Young People, Trophy (given to keep) - Zach and Siena Bawler (joint first).

Best Flower, The Shepherd Cup - Diane Moore.

Most Points in Handicraft, Shield - Marion King.

Spud in Bucket, Mervin Hooper Shield - Bob Foster.