THE Transition Town Wellington environmental group has received extra funding support from the town council with its plans for Fox’s Field.

The TTW group will be playing a leading role in the Green Corridor project once Wellington Town Council has leased 64 acres of land from the Somerset West and Taunton Council which will see the area used for a number of things including allotments, nature conservation, forest gardens and a community farm.

Last month the council awarded TTW with a £4,500 grant to help fund a secure lock-up style facility on Fox’s Field for its equipment.

But Helen Gillingham, from TTW, explained to members of the town council’s environment and open spaces committee on Tuesday, January 17, that the entrance to Fox’s Field was so badly water-logged during the winter months that it would be difficult for vehicles to get in and out.

The group had therefore applied for a further £2,000 to help fund an area of hard-standing and parking spaces to be created.

Cllr Marcus Barr said: “It makes complete and utter sense to go-ahead with this and let them get on with the great work they do.

“But my only concern is what happens if people turn up and pitch up on the land and then we have to try and get them off. What do we if suddenly find 20 caravans parked up there one morning?” Cllr Mark Lithgow said: “It’s a risk you would have to take anywhere.”

Town clerk Dave Farrow said it was all about balancing the risk factor.

“If you look over the last ten years on that area nothing has happened,” he said. “So that doesn’t mean to say that nothing will happen in the future, but I would say that the risk is low.”

Cllr Catherine Govier said: “Anything that can help this work go forward we should support.”

Cllr Lithgow said he was not a “fan of hardcore”, but felt on this occasion it would be the right thing to do.

The committee agreed that £2,000 could be spent on improving the entrance way to the site for vehicles, although a final decision will be made by the full council.