WELLINGTON residents have been invited to ‘have a go’ at being a fire fighter for at a service-run taster day.

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service is holding a number of sessions as part of an ongoing recruitment drive to bring in more on-call fire fighters.

It will be an opportunity for attendees to take on a number of challenges including holding out in a smoke-filled building while wearing breathing apparatus and taking part in a fitness workshop.

The sessions, which are running over the summer and beyond, take place in the mornings and last for three-and-a-half hours - with attendees being advised to wear trainers and comfortable clothes.

It comes after a prolonged staff shortage in some local fire stations, including in Wiveliscombe.

Commenting on the events a spokesperson for the fire service said: “We recruit on-call firefighters to the service on an on-going basis. We are looking for more firefighters at some key stations such as Wiveliscombe. These stations are often located in more rural areas and can be difficult to recruit to.

“We offer have a go days to give people who are interested in becoming an on-call firefighter for their local community more information about the role and an opportunity to meet operational crews to talk about what it’s like and what is required of them.”

The events will also offer the opportunity to have a look around inside a fire engine, and speak to on-call fire fighters about what the role entails.

‘Have a go’ events will take place on July 6 in Shepton Mallett, August 3 in Totnes, October 5 in Taunton (station to be confirmed) November 2 in Seaton, April 26 in Barnstaple and May 17 in Ivybridge.

To express your interest in attending a session, visit the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue website.