A SELL-out dance at Wellington Football Club on Saturday (May 27) has so far raised more than £1,600 for cancer charity.

‘One Night Of Elvis’ featured Stuart Horne, with all proceeds going to Stand Up To Cancer/Cancer Research UK.

It was organised by Ken and Jeanette Bird as a ‘thank you’ after former Wellington Weekly reporter Ken underwent two major cancer operations in the past 10 months.

Ken said: “It really was a great night.

“We would like to thank everybody who made it such a success, including the 90-plus people who came along, plus everybody who gave raffle prizes or has donated via the online giving page.”

Ken and Jeanette are particularly grateful to the football club for providing the venue and Carly Press for producing the posters and tickets, along with the following other businesses for their support: AFH Wealth Management, Tim Potter Butchers, Wellington Motors, Pampered by Zoe, Little Wax Wishes, and Aromas.

Donations to the fund-raising effort can still be made via the online giving page https://bit.ly/3mQJiYn.

A Cancer Research UK spokesman said 100 per cent of money raised went toward speeding up life-saving research.

The spokesman said: “Every day, scientists and researchers work tirelessly to beat cancer.

“But lab researchers will not get us there alone.

“Every penny raised helps speed up breakthroughs in the lab, transforming them into new tests and treatments for patients who need them.

“The research you fund will help us see three in four people in the UK survive their cancer by 2034.”