LIBERAL Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey visited the Taunton and Wellington constituency on Tuesday morning (July 2) with just two days left until voters go to the polls.

Sir Ed met the party’s Parliamentary candidate Gideon Amos and local activists and performed a photo-op stunt knocking down a series of blue dominos - a reference to the party’s campaign to overturn traditionally-held Conservative seats across the Westcountry.

Sir Ed said: “Thursday could be a historic moment for this country.

“It is an opportunity to vote for a Liberal Democrat local champion who will stand up for the NHS, tackle the sewage scandal, and end the cost of living crisis.

“Conservative MPs have taken voters for granted, ignored their concerns, and become more interested in fighting among themselves rather than fighting for their constituents.

“They have proven themselves utterly unfit to govern and unfit to represent the needs of those who have elected them.

“On July 4, people have the chance to make sure the Conservative dominoes fall across the ‘Blue Wall’ and Westcountry and make sure a Liberal Democrat MP can take your concerns right to the heart of Parliament.”

Mr Amos, who is hoping to be the first MP for the redrawn constituency, said: “I am delighted Sir Ed was able to take time out of his busy schedule to visit.

“He recognises the importance of the new Taunton and Wellington seat and the tremendous amount of work taking place to win it for the Liberal Democrats.

“Since this election was called, my team and I have knocked on more than 9,000 doors and one thing is clear - people in this constituency are ready for change.

“Local health services have been brought to their knees, people’s mortgages and rents have skyrocketed, and water companies have been allowed to pump their filthy sewage into our rivers and beaches.

“All this by a Conservative Government more interested in fighting between themselves than standing up for the country.

“Every vote for the Liberal Democrats at this election is a vote to elect a strong local champion who will fight every day for our NHS and care.”

Earlier, the constituency was also visited by former Lib Dem leader Sir Vince Cable, who backed Mr Amos’ campaign and spent some time canvassing in Wellington.

General Election polls open at 7 am on Thursday and will close at 10 pm, with the result expected to be declared by about 4.30 am on Friday.

The map of the constituency has been redrawn by the Electoral Commission in a bid to ensure all MPs have an almost equal number of constituents.

The other candidates standing in the election are Rebecca Pow, who has been the Conservative MP since 2015, former Somerset West and Taunton district councillor Brenda Weston for the Labour Party, Charles Hansard, from Westford, Wellington, for Reform UK, the Green Party’s Ryan Trower, who wants an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, and Rochelle Russell, who is the area’s first Communist Party of Britain candidate.