A HOUSING developer seeking to build a new estate on the ‘green wedge’ between Wellington and Rockwell Green is inviting residents to have their say on the plans in a public consultation.

Persimmon Homes revealed plans for a massive housing estate on the Greenfield site along Popes Lane on the edge of the town.

Residents will now have their chance to comment on the controversial proposals, in a public meeting at the Well Christian Centre in Rockwell Green, on Thursday, June 27, from 3pm to 6pm.

Representatives from Persimmon will attend the meeting to hear the concerns and comments of local people.

The plans, which are to build about 250 homes, are understood to have been long in the making, with surveyors spotted working on the fields behind the Wellington relief road last spring.

Persimmon are also setting up a website for residents to lodge their views, but it is yet to go live.

The company says as mitigation for building on pasture land, it would create a wetland nearby, which would mitigate phosphates arising as a result of any prospective development.

When Persimmon revealed its plans in March a spokesperson for the firm said any development would be in line with the principles outlined in the Wellington Place Plan which was drawn up by the former Somerset West and Taunton Council (SWT) before it was replaced by the new unitary Somerset Council.

They added their plans would ‘strengthen the buffer between Wellington and Rockwell Green.