WELLINGTON School’s music director, Andrew Trewhella, is retiring after 28 years.
Mr Trewhella, known to his students and fellow staff members as Mr T, joined the school in 1995.
Since, he has shaped the school’s music department and created extraordinary musical opportunities for students.
A spokesperson from Wellington School said: “It soon became apparent that we had employed a highly talented musician with a deep-rooted love of music.
“He quickly turned around music at Wellington with his remarkable talents, innovation, and fresh ideas. The transformation saw the quality of music improve, owing to his energy, personality, character, and charisma.”
Over the years, Mr Trewhella’s music department have hosted a variety of shows, concerts, and competitions, many of which allowed students the opportunity to perform with professional musicians.
Sweeney Todd, Les Misérables, School of Rock, and SIX:TEEN were among the many shows steered by Mr Trewhella and his team.
The spokesperson said: “Andrew has been the energy behind musical theatre at Wellington.
“His supportive nature and enthusiasm have inspired many pupils to try musical theatre for the first time, always producing a success story. The musicals are guaranteed to be a sell-out.”
One former Wellington School music scholar and chorister said: “Mr T always taught with passion and enthusiasm and his music talent is frankly unmatched.
“He accompanied me countless times and I was always in awe of how he would pick up a piece of music and sight-read it perfectly first time.
“His dedication to the department is something I always respected – he would spend weekends writing descants, practicing for concerts, and organising productions.
“If he spotted musical talent in a student, he would do everything he could to make sure they accessed opportunities and received the best mentoring possible – it was a department that nurtured pupils as they blossomed.”

Under his ‘reign’, the school’s Chapel Choir excelled, touring across the country for performances.
Tewkesbury Abbey, Eton College, and Truro, Exeter, and Salisbury Cathedrals were among the array of venues that have hosted the choir over the years.
‘Old Wellingtonian’ and former chorister Darcy Anderson said: “I’m sure he can take credit for the fact that, because of him, hundreds if not thousands of students have gone from thinking that choral music is boring, to now loving it. I think that is solely down to the passion and dedication he put into making the choir something really beautiful.
Being in the choir, you felt that passion as well, it was sort of infectious in a way. Having a choral director who emitted those sorts of emotions, it caught on.
He should be unbelievably proud of himself for what he achieved in those years, and the decades of love for music that he has instilled into his pupils, both current and former.”
Wellington School’s carol services are known across the community for their quality and are highly anticipated annually. This year, they will mark the end of Mr Trewhella’s career.
Mr Trewhella said: “I arrived here with a five-year plan but ended up staying for 28 years, which says more about the heart and soul of Wellington School than I can adequately put into words.
"So, thank you for having me and I wish the school and its music every continued success in the future.”