COUNCILLORS have agreed to investigate what grant funding is available to tidy up shop fronts in Wellington.

Wellington Town Council has set £5,000 aside for 2024-25 for specialist heritage support and members of the authority’s economic development committee discussed on Wednesday (July 10) how they should use the money.

Cllr Mark Lithgow said he would like to see more historical blue plaques put up around the town at places of interest or significance and Cllr Mike McGuffie spoke about a heritage register for the town.

But Cllr Janet Lloyd said that perhaps the council could look at what grants were available to help tidy up tired looking shop fronts – a suggestion supported by Cllr Steve Mercer.

“Our shop fronts do need looking at,” he said.

Councillors agreed looking at possible grants for shop front improvements should become a priority.

Cllr Lithgow added: “I’ll save the blue plaques for another day.”