YOUNG people in Somerset could soon travel around the county more cheaply by bus as the new unitary council pushes to increase a new pass for them.

Numerous initiatives have been introduced in Somerset to encourage greater use of buses, including a £1 fare zone in Taunton and the Government’s £2 fare cap for all single journeys, which has been extended until November.

Now, Cllr Diogo Rodrigues, shadow portfolio holder for transport and digital, has proposed introducing a new bus pass specifically for people aged 16 to 25 years.

The full council voted to adopt his motion, with councillors and officers now working with commercial operators to implement the pass within the coming months.

Cllr Rodrigues said young people currently missed out from commercial operators only operating youth fares during term times.

He said: “We must acknowledge the current state of bus fares targeted at young people in Somerset.

“There are more than 10 different bus operators, each offering varying youth bus fare options, seven of which only provide youth fares during term-time and on college days.

“We firmly believe that young people should have access to affordable and reliable bus travel throughout the entire year, regardless as to whether or not they are in education.

“The current limited availability of youth fares, coupled with challenging costs, has deterred many young people from using our local bus services.”

The council’s own bus service improvement plan (BSIP) survey revealed 38 per cent of young people cited the cost of fares as their primary reason for not using the buses, with 44 per cent not using local bus services at all.

Cllr Rodrigues said: “By simplifying bus travel and making it more accessible and affordable for young people with a single county-wide youth bus pass, we not only address their concerns but also align with our commitment to decarbonise the county through greener transport options.

“Accessible and affordable bus transport also holds immense potential for young people, particularly those living in rural communities who often face social isolation.

“By providing them with reliable means to connect with education, employment, and social activities, we can foster greater community cohesion and break down barriers of isolation.”

The £2 bus fare cap was recently extended by the Department for Transport (DfT) until October 31, with fares thereafter being capped at £2.50 until November, 2024.

The Government has also announced more than £300 million of additional funding to safeguard bus services until 2025, although it was not clear how much would be spent in Somerset.

Cllr Rodrigues said: “This council now has an even greater opportunity to negotiate discounted rates for a youth pass

“These new announcements should encourage this council to double down, to move fast and make the most of the opportunity to implement a youth scheme that could cost a lot less to implement than would have been the case, had the Government not made these announcements.

“The ambition for a youth bus pass is a shared commitment made by both the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats to the electorate.

“I think that it os a positive thing that this ambition has such great support across the entire council and I hope that it becomes a reality which will make a meaningful difference to the lives of our young people.”

The council unanimously voted to support Cllr Rodrigues’ motion, with updates expected to be given to the full council later in the year.