NIGHTTIME closures of a main road into Wiveliscombe have been announced by Somerset Council – just three days before they start.

The council said essential resurfacing work was needed on the B3227 Sandys Moor roundabout, on the approach from Taunton, from Thursday (June 13) through to the following Wednesday.

A council spokesperson said work would take place only in the evenings between 6.30pm and 11.30pm, excluding the weekend, and the road would be open as normal outside those hours.

The spokesperson said: “We understand this will have an impact on road users and residents which is why we are doing the work in the evenings.

“Our team will do everything they can to minimise disruption.

“It is important we carry out this work as the road is showing signs of wear and tear.”

A diversion will be in place while the road is closed, information on which can be found on the council’s website.