THE Wellington Weekly News has received several complaints about the state of the Wellington Cemetery at Rockwell Green.

One reader said: "I've just been down to the cemetery to visit mum. I was taken back at the way it looked - it's an absolute mess.

"This is our local cemetery in which the council should look to keep it a lot tidier than it is. I know they say they haven’t got the staff etc., or we don't cut it so much because of the bees or the birds or even the wild flowers.

"However, if it was kept cut and looked after more often, it wouldn’t look a mess. The trouble is when they do decide to cut it, all the dead grass is just left to rot because it's got out of hand.”

Meanwhile, WWN writer Barry Knott found Somerset Council workmen had begun to smarten up the cemetery this morning (Tues) - but it was not an easy task with grass at least a foot high.

Work has been in progress this week in clearing and tidying Wellington Cemetery.
Work has been in progress this week in clearing and tidying Wellington Cemetery. (Tindle)

Somerset Council have been asked to comment.