COSTS to keep Wellington Park and the town centre looking attractive with flower beds and planting during 2024-25 have been greatly reduced.

Members of Wellington Town Council had originally been budgeting to spend £20,000 over the next 12 months on plants, planting-up, weeding and general maintenance in Wellington Park and £15,000 for the town centre hanging baskets and planters.

But councillors were left shocked in late February when they were told that those budget lines were much lower than required for the work which would be carried out by Somerset Council.

New figures provided by Somerset Council suggested that it would cost nearly £31,000 for the planting and maintenance of Wellington Park, while the town centre hanging baskets, beds and tubs would cost nearly £47,800 – giving a total of nearly £78,800; far more than the budgeted £35k.

But there seems to have been a sudden re-think at County Hall on the costings and the town council’s environment committee was told on May 22 that that price tag had significantly decreased.

Deputy town clerk Alice Kendall, in a report, said: “As the town council had agreed to supply the bedding plants for 2024-25 in Wellington Park, Somerset Council has now agreed to supply the work required for planting out and watering free of charge.”

Town clerk Dave Farrow told councillors there had been a “big reduction in the costs” first suggested by Somerset Council.

Costs for Wellington Park now stood at just £5,385, while costs involved with hanging baskets for the town centre remained at £7,232, with the bill for town centre plants and maintenance of tubs and flower beds having also reduced from £39,500 to just £6,425.

Environment committee chairman, Cllr Mike McGuffie, said: “We were all shocked by the initial figures, but these are much better and should free up more funds.”

And Cllr Mark Lithgow said: “Wellington Park is essential to have as it allows people to chill out.”

Councillors were clearly relieved at the turnaround in Somerset Council’s figures with some previously having been outraged at the projected costs.

Former Mayor, Cllr Marcus Barr, said in February he felt the prices were “over-inflated” and that “Somerset Council is trying to make some money” while Cllr John Thorne said the costs for tubs and flower beds was “daylight robbery.”

And Cllr Wheatley added: “I’m very sceptical about the costs provided by Somerset Council. They’ve messed us around – so I’d tell them to get lost.”

It would seem that talks held since the end of February and now between town council officers and their Somerset Council counterparts have clearly paid dividends with some positive number-crunching.

The newly updated costs for the plants and watering of town centre beds, tubs and living wall have come down to £13,657.

Councillors agreed that money saved from the reduced costs will be spent on additional rounds of watering in the event of very hot weather over the summer months up to September 30.