A PUBLIC consultation has been launched to help shape Somerset’s future homelessness and rough sleeping strategy.

Somerset Council, working in partnership with the Somerset Homelessness Reduction Board, is inviting residents to share their views as well as those closely involved in the sector, including social care, housing, and public health.

The updated strategy is due to be delivered by March next year.

Somerset executive Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts said: “Homelessness is complex and can happen to anybody who finds themselves in a combination of difficult and challenging circumstances.

“A backdrop of strain on our housing system and a shortage of suitable affordable housing can lead to a greater vulnerability to homelessness, compounding existing needs and trauma.

“The Somerset Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy will enable us to prioritise how support will be delivered to some of the most vulnerable members of Somerset’s communities, in the midst of a housing crisis.

“It will help to shape our collaborative working with partners and the use of resources available to us.”

The consultation is open until Monday, September 23 and full details including and how to share thoughts can be found online here.

Cllr Smith-Roberts said: “Being a largely rural county, Somerset has its own set of challenges surrounding homelessness which can often be ‘out of sight’ or hidden.

“This consultation is an opportunity for residents of Somerset and stakeholders to share their views on one of the most pressing issues facing Somerset.”

Individuals with lived experience of homelessness and rough sleeping have also been asked to provide their thoughts.