RESIDENTS of Langford Budville came together to raise money for the installation of a defibrillator at the village school.

Villagers chipped in to install the life-saving equipment at Langford Budville CoE Primary School - but they say running costs mean donations are still needed.

Headteacher Jonathan Moise-Souch said: “Langford Budville CoE Primary School has engaged in many different community projects. One of the most recent community projects has been the installation of a defibrillator outside the school.

“This has been crowd-funded by the school and members of the community. While the defibrillator has been installed, costs remain high, including running costs and therefore, we are still seeking further donations.”

A number of groups were credited with helping to fund the project, including the parish council, Friendship Circle, Langford Ladies, The Langford Budville Community Fund and the school. Individuals singled out for credit for their contributions included Miranda Bevis, Jane Hancock, Derek Bowden.

Mr Moise-Souch added: “Having such an import, life-saving resource in the centre of the village for the whole community to have access to is incredibly useful and it gives me great pleasure to be able to support the wider community with this. We are extremely grateful for everyone's contributions.

“If anyone feels they would like to contribute to this fund, please contact Langford Budville CoE Primary School on 01823 400483.”

This is now the village’s second defibrillator with the first one being installed at its ‘Jubilee’ at the village hall.