Planning applications received by Somerset Council in the week ending December 6:


11/24/0007 Repairs and re-build of garden wall to the rear of The Old Forge, Williton Road, Combe Florey.


18/24/0013/T Notification to fell two alder trees and to carry out management works to a group of alders within Halse Conservation Area at Halse Water, Halse Road, Halse.

18/24/0014/T Notification to carry out management works (crown-reduction) to one sweet chestnut tree within Halse Conservation Area at The Old Rectory, Church Hill, Halse.


23/24/0044 Erection of a single storey extension to the rear, re-location of front door and various internal and external alterations at Pencraig House, High Street, Milverton.

23/24/0045/LB Erection of a single storey extension to the rear, re-location of front door and various internal and external alterations at Pencraig House, High Street, Milverton.

23/24/0048 Change of use of remaining floor space of Barn A and the entirety of Barn B from agricultural to commercial storage (Use Class B8) at Preston Down, Fitzhead Road, Wiveliscombe.


49/24/0059/LB Replacement of wooden window frame and installation of glass in pavement level cellar window at 12 High Street, Wiveliscombe.

Applications can be inspected on the council’s website or electronically only in the reception of The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.

Planning applications determined by Somerset Council in the week ending December 6:


23/21/0036 Erection of 1 No. dwelling on land at Olands Barn, Butts Way, Milverton, CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.


27/24/0034/T Application to fell one oak tree (and to dead-wood one oak tree) included in Taunton Deane Borough (Oake No.1) Tree Preservation Order 1995 at 34 Saxon Close, Oake (TD623), CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.