Planning applications received by Somerset Council in the week ending November 29:
13/24/0005/LB Reinstatement of first floors in both wings of Cothelstone Gatehouse, Cothelstone Manor, Cothelstone.
23/24/0042 Change of use of land and erection of 1 No. residential dwelling with associated works on land to the east of Cormiston House, Preston Bowyer.
27/24/0038 Erection of a two storey annexe to the side, partial conversion of garage into habitable accommodation, raised terrace and changes to fenestration at Saxon Barton, Saxon Close, Oake.
27/24/0039/T Notification to carry out management works to one beech tree and one yew tree within Hillfarrance Conservation Area at Holy Cross Church, Rectory Approach, Hillfarrance.
43/24/0114 Erection and operation of a micro-energy storage facility at Wellington RFC, Corams Lane, Wellington.
43/24/0115 Erection of a single storey extension to the rear and porch to the front of 32 Beech Hill, Wellington.
44/24/0022 Variation of Condition No. 02 (approved plans) of application 44/24/0011 for changes to internal layout and external positions/number of doors and windows at Peterhayes Farm Barn, Ford Street, Wellington.
Applications can be inspected on the council’s website or electronically only in the reception of The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.
Planning applications determined by Somerset Council in the week ending November 29:
43/24/0085 Erection of a detached single storey garden room at 3 Farthings Pitts, Foxdown Hill, Wellington, CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.
43/24/0103 Replacement of extension to the side of 112 Mantle Street, Wellington, CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.
46/23/0021 Change of use of garage to cafe and retail area at Blackbird Inn, Wellington Road, West Buckland (retention of part works already undertaken), CONDITIONAL APPROVAL.