A COUNCILLOR has said that next year’s 80th anniversary of VJ Day – which marked the end of all hostilities in the Second World War – was probably more important than VE Day.

Wellington Town Council is already ploughing ahead with plans to mark the 80th anniversary of VE Day on Thursday, May 8, which signalled Victory in Europe with the Allied Forces defeating Adolf Hitler’s Nazi tyranny.

But Cllr Steve Mercer, speaking at the council’s economic development committee on October 16, asked if there could be a commemoration for both events.

VJ Day marks the final end of the Second World War with the surrender of Japan to the Allied Forces on August 15, 1945.

“Hugh numbers of people were still fighting and involved in Japan when VE Day happened,” he said.

“Could we have an event to commemorate both events – VE Day and VJ Day.”

The Mayor, Cllr Janet Lloyd, said it depended on what national guidelines they received about VJ Day.

And the Mayor added: “My mum always used to say that the war didn’t end with VE Day.”

The town council’s events working group has suggested making £4,250 available for the 80th anniversary of VJ Day on Friday, August 15, with another commemorative event in Wellington Park – similar to the VE Day plans.

Cllr Mercer had personal reasons for his interest in VJ Day as a family member of his had been forced to work on the Burma Railway as a prisoner of war during the Second World War.