There are calls for dogs to be kept in check at the Basins after an incident on Wednesday. During the morning it is reported on social media that two French Bulldogs came across the cygnets which then became aggravated.

Stacey Derbe, a home care assistant working in the area, was approached by a man who had just witnessed the incident. A subsequent social media post was put out on a local group asking for more information. It was later revealed that cygnets had become aggravated, and the mother swan had stepped in causing a scuffle with a local dog and dog walker.

Although this incident was not caused directly by an off the lead dog, Stacey often visits the Basins with a client and has noticed a regular occurrence of ducks and swans being attacked. Stacey said: “We often see dogs chase ducks and ducklings. It happens each year. The cygnets arrive and within months one has been attacked by a dog.”

Luckily all swans and cygnets survived the latest incident and the RSPCA attended later to check them.

Stacey added : “I think it is time that something was put in place down there. There should be more work done with the local wildlife centres and get some notice boards put up so everyone is reading off the same sheet.”