LOCAL families will hopefully be benefiting from the kindness of customers of local butcher Tim Potter again this year following the relaunch of the Potter’s Pounds scheme for Christmas.

Last year, a number of families received a meat and vegetable pack for their Christmas Day lunch - courtesy of donations generously made by Tim’s customers.

Enough funding was given so that over 50 families were able to receive the packs, having been nominated by local schools. The packs were put together by staff at the popular butcher and delivered by Cllr Andrew Govier and two members of staff from local schools, Mandie Huggett and Tracey Sellick.

Andrew, who co-ordinated the scheme last time, said: “It was tremendously generous of Tim’s customers to donate these funds and the families were delighted to get the packs last year. We know that this has been another tough year for local families, and the schools and other agencies have asked if we can do something again. Tim has kindly said he will accept more donations and arrange the packs.

“We need the funds to be donated to Tim as soon as possible so we can work out how many families we can help this time.” The ‘Potter’s Pounds’ scheme was launched a couple of years ago and has ensured that hundreds of local families have had nutritious meat and vegetable packs either delivered or collected from the shop. The scheme is based on the ‘pay forward’ scheme which allows customers to make a donation, when they shop at Tim’s popular town centre butchers. The schools have all been very supportive and provided lists of names of families that would appreciate the support.

Cllr Govier said there were some funds available, but it was hoped that customers would top-up the pot for this year’s delivery.

He added: “Tim and his staff are always so helpful, and they put the packs together with the help of other businesses last year, including the Co-op who provide a chocolate treat for the children.

"There has been a real sense that people needed support again this Christmas. I was talking to the staff at the Foodbank last week and they had seen an increasing uptake in the use of their services over the last few months. The other facilities such as the Warm Spaces and the Best Before Pantry are continuing to receive more requests for help.”