WIVELISCOMBE Tennis Club has launched a bid to install new floodlights on its court.

In written comments to Somerset Council, the club said one of its three courts was “inadequately lit” and that its existing floodlights used inefficient bulbs.

The club is now seeking permission to install new lights, while changing over old bulbs to LEDs - which they say are beneficial for ‘environmental and sporting reasons.’

The project would be financed with a loan from the Lawn Tennis Association, which is offering to lend clubs up to £25,000 to help them upgrade their lighting - an improvement the club says would enable them to offer more hours of play to larger numbers of players.

In a statement the club said detailed plans had been prepared, which would avoid “light spillage” onto the neighbouring B3227 which runs through the town, as well as onto nearby homes.

Simon Briggs, of the Somerset Wildlife Trust, said the group was “concerned about the possible impact of the increased lighting on wildlife in the area” and that as a result it had issued a “holding objection” to Somerset Council while it awaited further information about the plans to be forthcoming.

Somerset Ecology echoed the concerns, citing fears of the impact to “European protected species” and called on the club to carry out a preliminary ecological appraisal.

The application comes after the 98-year old tennis club resurfaced its all weather courts, so their approximately 180 members can play tennis rain or shine.