Avon and Somerset Police are calling on people to surrender their bladed weapons.

Since 2016, more than 4,000 knives have been surrendered to the police through weapon surrender bins, which can be found at police stations and in communities.

The fresh appeal comes as police launch Operation Sceptre, which is aimed at deterring knife crime. It will see Avon and Somerset officers deliver talks and host information stands, and carry out patrols and searches in areas of concern.

There is currently a knife surrender bin attached to the Wellington police station on Victoria Street. It is one of 17 surrender bins across the county, where weapons can be given up.

Avon and Somerset Police’s lead for knife crime, Chief Inspector Mike Vass said: "We know that knife crime is an issue that many people in our communities worry about. A recent survey by our Police and Crime Commissioner for example showed that 40 per cent of those questioned had concerns about knife crime in their local area.  Operation Sceptre is an opportunity to highlight the work we are doing all year round to tackle knife crime and keep our communities safer.

“Although the reality is that the majority of the knife crime incidents we see are where people are known to each other. Unfortunately, a small number of people feel that carrying a knife is a way of keeping themselves safe. Sadly, this puts them at greater risk of harm, or causing harm to others and while we know that only one in 100 young people actually do carry a knife, we’re committed to educating all young people about the dangers of knives.

“Our work to tackle knife crime does rely on the support of our communities. We need you to please continue to share information about any concerns, or people carrying weapons in your local area.

“Any information from members of the public is used to build a picture of what’s happening which helps us to shape our response. We want to keep communities safer and reduce the number of knives on the streets and the number of families who have to experience the awful consequences of knife crime.”

Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford said: "This national knife crime awareness week is a wonderful opportunity to highlight some of the fantastic prevention and early intervention initiatives that are regularly being provided. The Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner and I will be out and about this week supporting various Operation Sceptre activities.

“My office recently facilitated a knife crime survey, which received an amazing 2,551 responses, with a staggering 47 per cent of participants aged under 18. 

“The results will help shape police and partners future approach to knife crime prevention. I am delighted with the support from under 18s and support their top answer of helping young people get support and access to employment or education in support of preventing knife crime.

"There is a huge amount of fantastic work happening across our county to tackle knife crime and its causes. The Violence Reduction Units and partners are offering prevention advice, mentoring, sports-based activities, as well as programmes to keep young people in education. I must emphasise that in reality 99 per cent of young people do not carry knives.

“If you know someone who regularly carries a knife, please report what you know.”

If you are considering surrounding a knife or offensive weapon, Avon and Police advise is to:

"Make sure items are wrapped in something such as a towel and carried in a bag to prevent injury.

"Consider going in daylight and during office hours when sites are staffed.

"Make a specific journey rather than carry an item for longer than necessary.

"Check opening hours before taking any large items such as swords, as these will not fit into the surrender bins."

You can contact the police with any concerns you have on 101 or 999, or online. Or you can anonymously report through CrimeStoppers Independent UK charity taking crime information anonymously | Crimestoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org) and the young person’s version Fearless at Give information about crime 100% anonymously | Fearless | Crimestoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org)