ACTION needs to be taken on repairing a footbridge in Wellington which is getting more and more dangerous.

Members of Wellington Town Council’s environment committee were told on September 18 that work is required on the bridge in the Weavers Reach and Burchills Hill area of the town.

The council’s open spaces manager, Darren Hill, said: “The top decking is 20 years old and fairly well-rotten. It is dangerous and it’s getting worse.”

Mr Hill, in a report, added: “We’ve needed to repair a few sections of the bridge over the past four months, but on inspection the whole of the top timbers need to be replaced. This is now a big issue and action does need taking.”

Mr Hill has requested that all of the timber needs to be removed and replaced with non-slip decking.

Councillors agreed that the authority should look to gain more quotes for the work.