RESIDENTS of a supported living scheme in Wellington celebrated the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings with a D-Day garden party.

The elderly tenants of the Abbeyfield Society’s Old Vicarage flats, in High Street, gathered in their rear garden for a communal meal and celebration surrounded by patriotic bunting and Union flags.

Residents in the Old Vicarage, Wellington, marked the D-Day 80th anniversary with a garden party.
Residents in the Old Vicarage, Wellington, marked the D-Day 80th anniversary with a garden party. ( )

The residents set aside the personal distress they have been suffering in recent weeks since the charity told them it wanted to shut the home to save money.

One family member told the Wellington Weekly: “They showed that despite what is going on, they are all remaining quite positive.”

Following the Abbeyfield closure announcement, residents have been reassured by the town council that they did not need to move because their tenancies gave them the right to remain for as long as they wanted to do so.

Citizen’s Advice has also been holding one to one sessions with tenants for further reassurance.