The Sampford Arundel village fete has been rescheduled after being rained off.

The annual event had been set to go ahead on Saturday, July 15, but a Met Office warning for wind, in addition to rain, saw the event postponed.

The historic fete has taken place uninterrupted for the best part of a century, with the exception of World War 2 and the Covid pandemic years.

After inclement weather saw it cancelled, a new date has now been given for the event to take place.

John Burgess, who a committee member for the fete said: "We have postponed the fete to Saturday July 29. It will take place on the village green from 2 pm until 5 pm.

"With reluctance we had to postpone it because high winds were expected. We didn't want a gazebo flying away and injuring somebody.

The fete is set to feature a display by the Wellington Majorettes and a troupe of visiting Morris Dancers. There will be cream teas, cakes and a barbecue on hand for those wanting hot food.

A record number of local stallholders will be set up at the event, alongside other attractions such asa bouncy castle and bingo.

Mr Burgess added: "The fete is nearly 100 years old, it's a great traditional village fete. We have over 30 stalls this year, that's a record - it will be a great day out - weather permitting."