BATON-TWIRLING and pom-pom waving majorettes are to be kitted out in new uniforms – thanks to funding from Wellington Town Council.

The council’s finance committee agreed on April 17 to award Wellington Majorettes with a £1,500 grant towards uniform costs.

The Mayor, Cllr Marcus Barr, said: “The majorettes do a lot of amazing work. They have a lot of young people involved and I think we should support them.”

But Cllr Justin Cole was not so supportive of the grant application stating they were being asked to pay for uniforms rather than helping the majorettes gain more members and expand.

He said: “We are buying uniform for an organisation – we aren’t helping them to get more members,” he said. “We are buying them uniform – where do we stop? Do we start buying uniform for local football teams and rugby teams?”

Cllr Keith Wheatley added: “I think Cllr Cole’s got a valid point. Promoting the majorettes is one thing, but now we are being asked to provide uniforms for them.”

Cllr Andrew Govier spoke about sporting organisations being financially supported by local companies and the sponsors having their name emblazoned on the front and back of team shirts.

“It is probably easier for sports teams to get sponsorship as businesses can be advertised on the front of the players’ shirts,” he said.

“I don’t think the majorettes would want the name of a scaffolding company, for example, on the front or back of their uniforms.

“The Wellington Majorettes do a lot of good work.”